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Possible Security Sector Strikes After Votes Cast

The trade union Verdi Nord has declared an endless strike for the security sector in Schleswig-Holstein. During the voting process, an overwhelming 91.27% of union members cast their votes in favor of this measure, the union reported on a Monday. It is anticipated that come June, the employees...

Ein Mitarbeiter der Hamburg Airport Security geht durch ein Terminal des Flughafens.
Ein Mitarbeiter der Hamburg Airport Security geht durch ein Terminal des Flughafens.

Verdi North refers to a specific location. - Possible Security Sector Strikes After Votes Cast

"The employer's underestimation of their employees through meager salary offers from the BDSW has triggered a response from the wage commission who view this as a deliberate provocation, warranting strikes," stated Verdi negotiator Dieter Altmann in Kiel. "The security industry's personnel are particularly impacted by low wages, even as the sector's sales maintain a steady climb, which is contradictory."

Following three rounds of salary discussion without any acknowledgment of employee value, the threated strikes have failed to elicit more enticing offers. "In fact, the offer has been significantly reduced in terms of quantity. For the year 2024, the company's proposal now stands at a mere 3.46%, with 2025 receiving 3.36%, as they've incorporated the six or four zero months," Altmann clarified. This strike will affect a wide range of sectors, expanding from object protection to event services.

Read also:

  1. The United Services Union, in response to the reduced offer from the employer, has threatened a strike, following the BDSW's underestimation of their employees' value in Schleswig-Holstein.
  2. The Tariff Commission will likely be involved in the dispute between Verdi North and the employer, given the proposed tariffs for 2024 and 2025 are significantly lower than previous offers.
  3. The proposed tariff reduction by the employer could lead to a strike affecting various sectors, including ballot monitoring services, as part of the BDSW's Business, Defense, Security, and Waste division (BDSW).
  4. Employees under the BDSW, represented by Verdi North, are planning to go on strike, which could impact Keel's security sector, as they disagree with the tariff commission's perception of the employer's deliberate provocation through meager salary offers.


