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Possible cyber attack potentially impacts devices in North Rhine-Westphalia.

A recently discovered IT security vulnerability, which is reported to have impacted the CDU and possibly other organizations, could also pose a threat to businesses and institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). According to the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) NRW, there are likely to be...

Letters and numbers light up on a screen on which a hacker program is open.
Letters and numbers light up on a screen on which a hacker program is open.

Online connectivity - Possible cyber attack potentially impacts devices in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Israeli software firm Check Point's products were left reeling after a security flaw was uncovered around two weeks ago. Despite the company's release of a new update, systems may still be vulnerable to this cyber threat, according to the LKA. Hackers could potentially gain access to sensitive data or look for employee mailboxes by exploiting this vulnerability. The LKA NRW advises companies and institutions that use Check Point's products to frequently check their systems for potential risks.

In early June, the CDU party fell victim to a cyber attack on their network. Media sources have been consistent in reporting that this attack was facilitated by the security flaw at Check Point. Initially, the CDU held back on sharing information about the scope of the damage or the identity of the attacker as their investigations were still ongoing. It was also unclear whether sensitive data was compromised. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Federal Office for Information Security both launched investigations after the attack occurred.

The Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is a member of the CDU party, was among those affected by the cyber assault.

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