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Positive balance of the apple harvest in the Altes Land

Farmers in the Altes Land region were able to store 20 percent fewer apples than in the previous year. Nevertheless, the balance sheet is positive - prices are higher than in 2022. The Wellant is on the rise - and not without reason.

Apples hanging from a tree at an orchard in the Altes Land.
Apples hanging from a tree at an orchard in the Altes Land.

Agriculture - Positive balance of the apple harvest in the Altes Land

The yield is smaller, but the prices are better. That is the result of this year's apple harvest in the Altes Land region. "Sales are going well, and there are various reasons for the higher prices than last year," says Matthias Görgens, deputy director of the Jork fruit-growing research institute, which is part of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture. Above all, there are fewer apples in the EU overall - this applies to all countries. And the German quality is good.

This year's harvest amounted to around 299,000 tons, 10 percent less than in the previous season. After last year's large harvest, the trees are bearing a little less, which is the normal biorhythm. Due to the good sales figures, the total stock is now 20 percent smaller than in 2022. "This is a good stock that will last until the next harvest," emphasized Görgens. After the past two years of losses, the market has now recovered. With 550 farms and 10,000 hectares of land between Cuxhaven and Hamburg, the Alte Land is the largest contiguous fruit-growing area in Germany, according to the municipality of Jork.

The yield from orchards for apple juice, particularly in southern Germany, has also contributed to the easing of the market. Cider apples do not make the hurdle to dessert apples, but only a fraction of the work is required for orchards, said the expert. Plant protection and time-consuming care are no longer necessary.

Due to climate change and the rise in average temperatures, some of the cultivation will change in the long term. "The Holstein cox cannot tolerate heat and is therefore being grown less," says Görgens. On the other hand, the Wellant variety is on the rise.

Pears also benefit from warmer conditions. "We want to slightly increase the proportion of pears, the change will happen. The quality is okay, we have no sales concerns," he explained. At present, this is still a small segment, with the share of fruit in the Altes Land accounting for around three percent. In southern growing countries such as Italy, it has now become too hot for pears.

Read also:

  1. Despite the lower yield in Hamburg's Altes Land region, Matthias Görgens from the Jork fruit-growing research institute in Lower Saxony reports better prices due to fewer apples in the EU overall.
  2. The total stock of apples in Germany is currently 20% smaller than in 2022 due to the good sales figures, according to Görgens.
  3. The Holstein cox apple variety is being grown less in Germany due to climate change and rising temperatures, but the Wellant variety is gaining popularity, as mentioned by Görgens from Jork in Lower Saxony.
  4. The Altes Land region, which spans between Cuxhaven and Hamburg with 550 farms and 10,000 hectares of land, is the largest contiguous fruit-growing area in Germany, as per Jork's municipality.
  5. The total amount of apples harvested in the Altes Land this year was around 299,000 tons, a 10% decrease from the previous season, according to the statement by Görgens.




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