- Poseck wants to visit storm-prone region in North Hesse
Following the devastating storms in North Hesse, Interior Minister Roman Poseck (CDU) will personally assess the situation on Monday. He plans to speak with politicians and residents in particularly affected communities, the ministry announced. The municipalities of Trendelburg, Hofgeismar, Bad Karlshafen, Reinhardshagen, and Wesertal were affected by heavy rainfall. The Trendelburg district of Gottsbüren was particularly hard hit, with cars being pushed through the town like toys by floodwaters. A person was buried and several people were trapped in their cars and had to be rescued. The Kassel district estimates the damage to be in the millions.
Roman Poseck, the Interior Minister from North Hesse, expressed his concern after witnessing the aftermath of the storms in Trendelburg. During his visit, he intends to meet with local politicians and residents to discuss the recovery efforts and offer support.