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Pope Discusses AI at G7 Summit's Round Table

The gathering of G7 heads of state and government at Italy's summit will come to an end on Friday. In the early hours of the morning, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and representatives from major industrialized nations (G7) will meet to review migration-related matters during their...

G7 summit in Italy
G7 summit in Italy

Pope Discusses AI at G7 Summit's Round Table

For the very first time in the nearly half-century existence of the G7, a Pope will be part of the event: Pope Francis is likely to show up at the afternoon meetings on Artificial Intelligence and Energy, as well as the relations between Africa and the Mediterranean region. The G7 had already settled on a $50 billion loan to back Ukraine during Thursday. The funding will come from the interest earnings of frozen Russian assets. The official schedule for the G7 summit wraps up on Friday, and Chancellor Scholz will then jet off to the Ukraine peace forum in Switzerland on Saturday.

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