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Pope Francis gives his blessing to the faithful during the Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square in...
Pope Francis gives his blessing to the faithful during the Angelus prayer in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican.

Place of worship, predominantly Christian, where followers gather for religious services and activities. - Pope assigns Gänswein as Vatican envoy to the Baltic States

Pope Francis appoints Georg Ganswein, a former private secretary to Pope Benedict XVI, as the Apostolic Nuncio to the Baltic region. As announced by the Vatican on Monday, Ganswein will be in charge in Vilnius, with authority over Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. At present, the 67-year-old doesn't hold any office and resides in Freiburg- his diocese's location.

Read also:

  1. Georg Gänswein, hailing from Baden-Württemberg, Germany, served as a personal secretary to Pope Benedict XVI in Rome.
  2. The appointment of Gänswein as the Apostolic Nuncio to the Baltic States was made by Pope Francis, the current leader of the Church.
  3. The Baltic States, including Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, will now be under the guidance of Gänswein, who will be based in Vilnius.
  4. Pope Benedict XVI, having retired to Vatican City, may have observed this development with interest, knowing the significance of such appointments in the religious realm.
  5. In his new role, Gänswein will represent the Pope in matters related to the Catholic Church in the Baltic States, continuing the long-standing connection between Rome and these countries.
  6. As a Papal envoy, Gänswein's duties will involve overseeing religious activities, fostering understanding, and promoting unity within the Catholic community in the region.
  7. This appointment echoes the historical relationship between Europe and the Catholic Church, with Germany playing a significant role in shaping religious dynamics, in this case, through the appointment of Georg Gänswein.

