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Poll: Majority welcomes digitization of healthcare sector

According to a survey, a large majority of people in Germany welcome the digitization of the healthcare system. 89 percent of the respondents consider digitization in healthcare in principle to be right, as Bitkom announced in Berlin on Tuesday. Of these, 71 percent even wish for more speed. In...

Doctor with stethoscope
Doctor with stethoscope

Poll: Majority welcomes digitization of healthcare sector

Simultaneously, the digitalization of healthcare causes concerns for many people. Nearly half of all Germans, 48%, feel overwhelmed by the digitalization in healthcare. This particularly affects older people: 53% of those over 50 express such feelings. Among people between 16 and 49 years old, this is the case for 42%.

The digitalization of healthcare was recently pushed forward by Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD). Since January 1, the e-prescription has replaced the pink paper prescription. The core of Lauterbach's reform is the electronic patient file, which should become the norm for all statutory health insured individuals by 2025, unless they object.

"People in Germany find this development appropriate, but encounter hurdles in dealing with digital technologies and applications in the healthcare sector on a daily basis," explained Bitkom Vice President Christina Raab. "Whether electronic patient files, e-prescriptions or AI in medicine: We need to strengthen the competencies for dealing with digital healthcare technologies and applications," added Raab.

A large part of the digital innovations introduced in recent years are already known to people. According to Bitkom, 98% have heard of the e-prescription. 95% can begin with the electronic sick leave certificate. 93% are also familiar with the electronic patient file.

Moreover, 90% have heard of video consultations and 71% of health apps on prescription. Roughly half know that there is an electronic medication plan. For the representative survey, 1140 people in Germany were interviewed on behalf of Bitkom.

  1. The SPD's Health Minister, Karl Lauterbach, has been a driving force behind the digitalization of the Health system in Berlin and Germany.
  2. Despite the majority of Germans finding the digitalization of healthcare appropriate, a recent survey by Bitkom reveals that many encounter hurdles in dealing with digital technologies in this sphere.
  3. The Survey conducted by Bitkom, the Digital Association, showed that 98% of Germans are familiar with the e-prescription, a digital innovation introduced by Lauterbach.
  4. Stefan Raab, Vice President of Bitkom, expressed the need to strengthen competencies for dealing with digital healthcare technologies and applications, such as AI in medicine.
  5. The survey also indicated that 71% of Germans are aware of health apps that are prescribed by doctors, underscoring the increasing integration of digitalization in healthcare.
  6. The survey results echoed concerns of older people, as 53% of those over 50 expressed feelings of being overwhelmed by the digitalization in healthcare, with this figure dropping to 42% for the 16-49 age group.

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