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Poll: A majority of the population have experienced Cyberattacks

The damages caused by cyber criminals likely grow from year to year. This affects not only companies, but also increasing numbers of private citizens around the globe.

The damages caused by cybercriminals presumably grow from year to year (graph).
The damages caused by cybercriminals presumably grow from year to year (graph).

Criminality - Poll: A majority of the population have experienced Cyberattacks

Global cyber crime affects a majority of the population in 15 countries according to an international survey, with 57% of the 7500 interviewees from Australia to the USA reporting they have experienced cyber attacks at some point, as Munich Re reports. This encompasses five different forms of cyber crime: computer viruses, fraud in online shopping, fraud in online transfers, identity theft, and theft of other personal data.

Germany heavily affected

The survey results vary significantly from country to country: In Japan, 72% have not yet become victims of a cyber attack, making it the safest country in this regard. In Germany, according to the survey, only 38% have been spared, ranking it tenth among the fifteen countries. China is at the bottom of the list, with only 19% reporting they have never been victims of an online attacker.

Internationally, a majority is concerned: On average, 53% of the interviewees in the fifteen countries expressed concern or great concern about potential cyber attacks. When it comes to fear of cyber crime, India is not at the top, but rather 80% fear a cyber attack. The Dutch are the least concerned, according to the survey, with 27%.

The participants were surveyed online by Statista on behalf of the DAX group in January and February. The results are considered representative for the individual nations according to Munich Re.

High dark figure

The extent of cyber crime and the damages caused by cyber criminals is difficult to quantify due to the high dark figure. Most experts agree, however, that damages continue to grow nearly continuously from year to year. Few cyber criminals are caught or handed over.

The high dark figure of cybercrime is a significant concern in the United States of America, as reported by Munich Re. Despite this, only 43% of Americans in the survey mentioned they have experienced a cyberattack. Moving towards the Asia-Pacific region, Australia has a higher rate with 62% of the population reporting cyberattacks.

Cyberattacks contribute to an increase in criminality on the Internet, posing a global threat to international relationships. For instance, China, despite its vast online population, has one of the lowest rates of cyberattack victims at 19%. This highlights the importance of international cooperation to combat this growing form of criminality.

The survey also reveals that the insurance industry is impacted by cybercrime. Munich Re, a leading reinsurer, has reported an increase in cyber insurance claims in recent years. This underscores the need for companies and individuals to invest in sufficient cybersecurity measures and insurance coverage.

In the context of international relationships, cyberattacks can strain relations between countries. For instance, a large-scale cyberattack targeting Germany could potentially impact its relationship with other countries, such as the United States or China, which could have broader geopolitical implications.

Finally, the survey highlights the need for continued efforts in cybersecurity education and awareness. Despite the prevalence of cyberattacks, many individuals remain unaware or underestimate the risks involved. This lack of awareness can contribute to the high dark figure of cybercrime and its damaging consequences.

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