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Politician of the century: politicians pay tribute to Schäuble

In his home country, Wolfgang Schäuble is being honored after his death as one of the most influential politicians of the past decades. In Offenburg, people are also sending a sign of mourning.

The then new CDU chairman Wolfgang Schäuble congratulates Angela Merkel, who has just been
The then new CDU chairman Wolfgang Schäuble congratulates Angela Merkel, who has just been elected CDU General Secretary, at the CDU party conference in Bonn.")

Reactions to Schäuble's death - Politician of the century: politicians pay tribute to Schäuble

Following the death of Wolfgang Schäuble, personalities from the south-west have paid tribute to the former President of the Bundestag and Federal Minister as a committed democrat and staunch parliamentarian. Schäuble had a decisive influence on key years of federal politics, said Baden-Württemberg's Minister President Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) on Wednesday. "As an influential politician, Wolfgang Schäuble was a controversial and sometimes uncomfortable, but ultimately fair political spirit," said the head of government. He was very impressed by the CDU politician's political judgment and independent thinking.

At home in Baden

Schäuble died at home with his family on Tuesday evening. In his long political career, he was a minister, CDU leader, parliamentary group chairman and President of the German Bundestag. No one was a member of parliament longer than him. Decades of German politics are associated with him, including his role in negotiating the Unification Treaty after the fall of the Berlin Wall in the GDR.

Schäuble came from a family of politicians rooted in the Baden region: his father Karl was already a CDU politician and a member of the Baden state parliament. Schäuble's younger brother Thomas, who died in 2013, was a state minister in Baden-Württemberg for 13 years. The top CDU politician and current state interior minister Thomas Strobl is Wolfgang Schäuble's son-in-law; daughter Christine is ARD program director and Strobl's wife. Schäuble is survived by four children and his wife Ingeborg, to whom he had been married since 1969.

The city and region of Offenburg reacted to Schäuble's death with mourning flags and great sadness. The honorary citizen of the city represented Offenburg's values and aspirations as a city of freedom like no other. "As a politician and statesman, he wrote world history, German history and, above all, the history of democracy and parliament," said Lord Mayor Marco Steffens (CDU). Despite his position as a world-class statesman, Schäuble was deeply rooted in his home country and was always approachable.

Cross-party praise for Schäuble's work

The CDU party leader in Baden-Württemberg, Manuel Hagel, described Schäuble as a "politician of the century". With him, the CDU in the state has lost "a fine person and a great politician" and he himself laments the loss of a clever advisor and impressive person who he always looked up to. "Wolfgang Schäuble was brilliantly clever - a man with vision who always had the big picture in mind and always retained his South Baden humor even in difficult times," said Hagel, who also leads the CDU parliamentary group in the state parliament.

Green Party parliamentary group leader Andreas Schwarz also recalled Schäuble's straightforwardness, which had set the tone for generations of politicians. Especially during the financial crisis, Schäuble's calm and sincere manner showed how to overcome crises with leadership and clarity. "Wolfgang Schäuble embodied old-school politics: determined, direct, steadfast," said Schwarz. "An unwavering character that is rarely found in the political business today."

SPD party and parliamentary group leader Andreas Stoch also paid tribute: "Wolfgang Schäuble was an exceptional politician," he said. As a convinced European and a convinced citizen of Baden-Württemberg, he played a decisive role in German reunification. "Wolfgang Schäuble always exemplified what it means to not share opinions in politics, but to share fundamental values," said Stoch. Hans-Ulrich Rülke, leader of the FDP parliamentary group in the state parliament, called Schäuble "one of the most distinguished and deserving politicians" and a benevolent and fair partner of the Liberals.

Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Economic Affairs Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU) remembered Schäuble as a politician who embodied the European idea of economic recovery, peaceful coexistence and social responsibility. "Wolfgang Schäuble had a crystal-clear compass that gave people in Germany and Europe stability and orientation in difficult and challenging times."

Memories beyond politics too

Roland Mack, owner of the Europa-Park in Rust near Offenburg, paid tribute to Schäuble as a pioneer of Franco-German friendship and a great European. "He also succeeded in giving young people a perspective in Europe," explained Mack. Schäuble was the first politician to visit Europa-Park for the first time as a young member of parliament almost exactly 50 years ago. "Back then, it was still just a building site and we met in a construction trailer surrounded by mud," Mack reported. Schäuble was a tireless ambassador for the interests of the southwest and Ortenau in Bonn and Berlin. "As a Baden native, he shaped German post-war politics like no other."

Schäuble was also Chairman of the Friends of the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden. Artistic Director Benedikt Stampa explained: "We are losing a man who gave so much to our society, both personally and with his family. Wolfgang Schäuble's strength came from music, as he had been influenced by music since his childhood and also actively played the violin." Schäuble regarded music as essential, said Stampa according to the press release. "May music now accompany the Schäuble family in their days of mourning."

Press release from the city of Offenburg Press release Festspielhaus Baden-Baden

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