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Political scientist Münkler calls for more nuclear weapons in Europe

"Suitcase with red button"

Vladimir Putin would be impressed by more nuclear weapons in Europe, believes political
Vladimir Putin would be impressed by more nuclear weapons in Europe, believes political scientist Mü

Political scientist Münkler calls for more nuclear weapons in Europe

How can Europe's states prevent wars in the future? According to political scientist Herfried Münkler, this could be ensured through a larger arsenal of nuclear weapons. This would deter Russia, for example, from attacking the Baltic states. His vision for Ukraine, however, is different.

Political scientist Herfried Münkler has called for a nuclear arms build-up in Europe to provide better protection against war in Stern magazine. "Europe must build up nuclear capabilities," said Münkler. "The British may have nuclear submarines, France the bomb, but will they really use them to protect Lithuania or Poland? From the Kremlin's point of view, that is doubtful. We need a common suitcase with a red button that moves between large EU countries."

A spiral of armament has long been underway that Europe cannot escape. "Following the Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine ceded its nuclear weapons to Russia in exchange for the American, British and Russian promise to protect Ukraine's borders. Experience shows that such a treaty is worth nothing. For many, it is much closer to pursuing the policy of the North Korean Kim - only armed to the teeth is one unassailable. That is the reason why the Iranian mullahs also want the bomb. And if they have it, Saudi Arabia will want one too. And next would be the Turks. Putin's war in Ukraine has disavowed the policy of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons."

In Ukraine, Münkler is in favor of war-free zones and a major peace solution after the end of the conflict: "There is more at stake than just the Ukraine issue," Münkler told Stern magazine. "We have to ask ourselves: do we just want a ceasefire in Ukraine and hope that it lasts as long as the one between North and South Korea? Or do we trust ourselves to reach a comprehensive peace settlement?" According to Münkler, it is "about geopolitical interests, about Russian control of the Black Sea, which Erdoğan also has his eye on". "We also have to talk about Azerbaijan and Armenia, about the future of Georgia and Moldova. Everything has to be on the table, otherwise you'll be starting all over again a little later."

Münkler also refuted the impression that it is not possible to negotiate a peace solution during the ongoing war. "Negotiating and fighting is by no means the alternative, they often go hand in hand," said Münkler. "You don't need a ceasefire, just a safe space, a war-free zone."

Münkler referred to historical examples: "Parallel to the Paris negotiations, the USA escalated the violence with the aim of improving its position at the negotiating table. This was also the case in the Peace of Westphalia: The imperial side only signed after the lost Battle of Jankau - when it knew it could no longer win militarily."


