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Political gatherings in Saarland deliberate on voting outcomes.

Following Sunday's voting in Saarland, political parties are dissecting the outcomes. A few are wrestling with their performance.

An envelope marked "Official postal voting documents" for the upcoming local and European elections...
An envelope marked "Official postal voting documents" for the upcoming local and European elections lies on a table.

Voting Process - Political gatherings in Saarland deliberate on voting outcomes.

This coming Monday, a state conference will take place in Saarbrücken for parties in Saarland to discuss the recent European and local elections. Politicians from six different parties will be answering questions from journalists. One noteworthy conversation will include Saarland's SPD state chairwoman and Prime Minister, Anke Rehlinger. Additionally, 23 mayors, mayors, and county councillors were voted on in Saarland.

While the CDU may have come out as the strongest force in the European election in Saarland, they experienced some losses. They received 29.3% of the votes, down 3.2 percentage points from the previous European election in 2019. The SPD, currently governing the state, received 20.5% of the votes (a decrease of 2.6 percentage points). The third-strongest party was the AfD with 15.7% (a notable increase of 6.0 points). Political mood was being tested in Saarland with these elections.

The Greens unfortunately faced significant losses, receiving only 6.6% of the votes (a decrease of 6.6 percentage points). The FDP, who are not currently represented in the Saarland state parliament, gained 4.7% (an increase of 1.0). The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht made a promising debut, achieving 7.9%, well over the party's federal result. Saarland previously had one representative in the European Parliament, Manuela Ripa from the Ecological Democratic Party (ODP), who once again led her party's list for this election. The voter turnout in Saarland was 67.9% (an increase of 1.6 percentage points).

Around 800,000 people in Saarland were also called upon to vote for the local councils. At the national level, the CDU is now once again in the lead, with 34.4% of the votes and a slight increase of 0.4 percentage points from the previous election. In five of the six districts in Saarland, the Christian Democrats are the strongest party. On the other hand, the SPD lost just a tad (minus 0.1 percentage points) and secured 29.9%. The AfD received 10.4%, followed by the Greens with 7.3% and the Left at 4.1%.

Furthermore, there were many direct elections. Voters in Volkelingen, Saarlouis, and Homburg will have to participate in a second round of voting on June 23, as none of the candidates obtained the necessary absolute majority in their respective mayoral races.

Read also:

  1. Despite the EU Parliament elections results showing the CDU as the strongest force in Saarland, their vote share decreased compared to the previous election.
  2. On Sunday, the EU Parliament elections and local council elections took place in Saarland, with Anke Rehlinger, the SPD state chairwoman and Prime Minister, participating in a post-election discussion.
  3. The upcoming state conference in Saarbrücken will involve politicians from various parties, including the CDU, SPD, and AfD, to address the outcomes of the recent European and municipal elections.
  4. During the European elections, the AfD achieved a notable increase in vote share in Saarland, making them the third-strongest party, while the SPD experienced a slight decrease.
  5. After the elections, mayors, mayors, and county councillors were elected in 23 municipalities across Saarland, with the CDU emerging as the strongest party in five districts.
  6. Saarland's SPD state chairwoman Anke Rehlinger will be participating in a question and answer session at the upcoming state conference for parties in Saarland to discuss the recent European and local elections.

