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Policewoman hit by car - Long prison for smugglers

He drove while smuggling people, some of whom were in life-threatening situations. During a police chase, he intentionally drove towards an officer. Now, the 24-year-old must serve time in prison.

Police disrupt smugglers with controls
Police disrupt smugglers with controls

- Policewoman hit by car - Long prison for smugglers

Traunstein District Court has sentenced a 24-year-old man to six and a half years in prison for banditry and smuggling aliens, along with a series of other crimes. During an attempted escape from police, he drove at an officer, who managed to dodge the vehicle by jumping aside, as reported by the court and the prosecution.

Life-threatening Conditions

The defendant, who did not have a driver's license, was found guilty of acting as a scout driver and driver for the smuggling of 87 people in July 2023. Most of these individuals were transported in life-threatening conditions, according to authorities. A scout driver is responsible for surveying the optimal route.

Racing Towards Officer

When police attempted to stop him in Schönau am Königssee a year after a smuggling incident, he fled. He drove towards the officer, who had to jump a meter to the side to avoid being hit. He reached speeds of up to 145 km/h in urban areas, eventually losing control and sliding down an embankment where he was arrested. The Georgian national admitted his crimes in court, which was taken into account in sentencing. The verdict is final.

Traunstein Prosecutor Wolfgang Beckstein emphasized the importance of the "Traunstein Model" in combating organized human smuggling. This model is characterized by specialized expertise, improved networking with federal and state police, and close cooperation with neighboring countries' prosecutors, Eurojust, and Europol.

The defendant's role in smuggling 87 individuals in dangerous conditions was a key point in his conviction. His reckless drive towards an officer during his attempt to escape in Schönau am Königssee further highlighted his involvement in smuggling and banditry.

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