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Police warn of burglary risk in the dark season

It is currently getting dark early and light late. Thieves take advantage of this for their dishonest activities.

Crime - Police warn of burglary risk in the dark season

Burglaries are on the increase in Lübeck and the surrounding area. In the past four weeks, 29 residential burglaries have been registered in the city of Lübeck alone and 13 in Bad Schwartau, said a spokesperson for the Lübeck police department. The reason for this is probably the dark time of year, said the spokesperson.

"It gets dark early and residents only come home after dark. This allows the perpetrators to operate under the cover of darkness," said the police spokesman. The Stockelsdorf area is currently particularly affected.

The police do not currently have any information on the perpetrators. According to investigations so far, it is a case of individual perpetrators, said the spokesperson. "Four perpetrators have been identified in the Lübeck area in the recent past," he said.

According to a spokesperson, the number of cases in the Ratzeburg police department has also risen in recent months. "Between October 1 and December 8 alone, more than 118 crimes were reported to us," she said.

The police recommend increased vigilance, especially in areas with many detached houses. "Also keep an eye on your neighbor's house," says the spokesperson.

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