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Police take up arms - woman wounded in leg

A woman allegedly threatened passersby with a knife. Police stopped her with shots. Are there any new information?

After shots were fired at a woman, the police secure the crime scene.
After shots were fired at a woman, the police secure the crime scene.

- Police take up arms - woman wounded in leg

Investigation Continues After Berlin Police Shoot Woman in Charlottenburg

A 61-year-old woman was shot by Berlin police officers and is now in the hospital with a foot injury, according to a police spokesperson. The incident occurred on Thursday afternoon when the woman, armed with a knife, threatened several passersby. The disturbance extended from Mierendorffplatz towards Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee and Sommerstraße.

The police described the situation as highly dynamic, with the woman reportedly lunging at responding officers, prompting them to use their firearms and fire multiple shots. The police referred to the woman as a "person of interest."

As is standard procedure in cases where police officers discharge their weapons, a homicide unit has taken over the investigation into the exact sequence of events and the surrounding circumstances.

The police are currently reviewing the actions of their officers involved in the shooting incident. The woman, identified as a person of interest, is now under investigation by the homicide unit for any potential threats or crimes before the incident.

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