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Police seize stolen truck trailers

Police in Fürstenwalde/Spree (Oder-Spree district) have seized three stolen truck trailers. Officers were informed of the theft on Monday morning, as the police announced on Tuesday. The trailers belonged to a Dutch company. Attached to them were three tractor units belonging to a Lithuanian...

A police patrol car with flashing blue lights.
A police patrol car with flashing blue lights.

Oder-Spree - Police seize stolen truck trailers

Police in Fürstenwalde/Spree (Oder-Spree district) have seized three stolen truck trailers. Officers were informed of the theft on Monday morning, as the police announced on Tuesday. The trailers belonged to a Dutch company. Attached to them were three tractor units belonging to a Lithuanian company, which may have been used to steal the trailers. The police found a 40-year-old man on board one of the machines. He was arrested and is being investigated for receiving stolen goods. According to the police, property damage of 100,000 euros was prevented.

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