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Police seize kilos of illegal pyrotechnics

Shortly before New Year's Eve, police officers seized boxes of illegally sold firecrackers in a kiosk in Jenfeld. The police had observed the sale of firecrackers and rockets there on Saturday night and searched the kiosk, according to a police spokesperson on Saturday. The police could not say...

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

New Year's Eve - Police seize kilos of illegal pyrotechnics

Shortly before New Year's Eve, police officers seized boxes of illegally sold firecrackers in a kiosk in Jenfeld. The police had observed the sale of firecrackers and rockets there on Saturday night and searched the kiosk, according to a police spokesperson on Saturday. The police could not say whether pyrotechnics, which are illegal in Germany, were also present. However, the man did not have a license to sell them. The police are now investigating the violation of the Explosives Act.

This year, the police are again expecting fires, damage to property and bodily injuries caused by the improper use of pyrotechnics. The federal police had already seized a large quantity of illegal pyrotechnics during checks at the German-Polish border over the Christmas holidays. Authorities and local authorities appealed to the population to comply with the applicable regulations. The setting off of fireworks illegally imported from abroad or even home-made fireworks is a criminal offense.


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The seizure of illegal pyrotechnics in Hamburg wasn't an isolated incident, as the federal police had previously confiscated a large quantity near the German-Polish border during the Christmas holidays. Despite the threats of fires, damage, and injuries, some individuals still choose to ignore the law by setting off illegal firecrackers or home-made pyrotechnics, which is considered a criminal offense. Following the raids, local authorities urged the public to adhere to the regulations, warning that the sale of pyrotechnics without a license is illegal in Germany and could lead to investigations by the police.


