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Police seek Valeriia's killer: Döbeln community grieves

Following the death of nine-year-old Valeriia close to Döbeln, locals are left stunned. What kind of individual would harm a young child? Investigators are hunting for a suspect, who may even reside overseas.

A policewoman holds up barrier tape in a forest.
A policewoman holds up barrier tape in a forest.

Instance of physical harm. - Police seek Valeriia's killer: Döbeln community grieves

What happened to the nine-year-old girl, Valeria, in the forest of Doebeln? The police have been trying to find out who killed her ever since they discovered her body in the undergrowth on Thursday. Investigators have been looking for more evidence, interviewing witnesses, and examining statements. However, they haven't revealed any specific details about their investigative approaches or the cause of her death.

It's rumored that they have a former boyfriend of Valeria's mother in their sights, who is currently in the Czech Republic. He reportedly contacted her mother on the morning of Valeria's disappearance, and his phone was tracked to a cell tower in Doebeln. Neighbors reportedly saw him on their surveillance cameras. The Chemnitz Prosecutor's Office couldn't confirm or deny these claims.

The Czech police are cooperating with the German authorities in this case. "We are working closely with our German colleagues," said Commissioner Siristova of the Czech Republic Police Presidium in Prague. "But we can't disclose the details of our cooperation."

The news of Valeria's murder has shocked the people of her hometown with about 24,000 inhabitants. Mourners placed candles, plush toys, pictures, angel figurines, and flowers near her home as a tribute. "Why did they do this to you?", reads a note. "You still had so much ahead of you." Doebeln has canceled its weekend city festival and plans to hold a memorial service at the market square on Friday evening.

Valeria had disappeared on June 3. After a few days of searching, her body was found in a forest on Tuesday. The police and prosecutors were informed on Wednesday that it was her. An investigation is underway for manslaughter and murder. It's believed that the place where her body was found is also the crime scene.

The forest wasn't searched until several days later. A witness reported hearing screams near the city outskirts on the day of Valeria's disappearance but didn't provide enough details, according to the police. It was only after her family mentioned visiting the boulders in the woods that the search area was expanded.

Questions still remain about why the police took so long to search that area. A witness later reported hearing screams on the day of her disappearance. The police couldn't determine the exact location of the incident at first and considered it too vague. It wasn't until her family mentioned their frequent visits to the woods that the search area was widened.

The public prosecutor's office is also looking into possible misconduct at Valeria's school. Her mother didn't contact the school when the child didn't show up for school on the Monday before she disappeared, which delayed the discovery of her disappearance. A report from the State Office for Education and Culture is pending, and they will decide if there is a preliminary suspicion of criminal wrongdoing. There could be a violation of custodial and supervisory duties. The authority has admitted its negligence and is taking appropriate measures.

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