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Police satisfied with the course of the European Championships in Hamburg

Even before the last European Championship match in Volkspark, the police and trade unions have one winner: the atmosphere. This is also due to the motto "a lot helps a lot", says one trade unionist.

Fans watch a match at a public viewing in Hamburg.
Fans watch a match at a public viewing in Hamburg.

EM mood - Police satisfied with the course of the European Championships in Hamburg

Already before the last EM match at Volksparkstadion, the Hamburg police have drawn a positive balance of their deployment. "The main message: Tens of thousands of fans have shown over the days how peaceful celebrations can be," said a police spokesperson before today's EM quarter-final between Portugal and France (21.00 Uhr/ZDF and MagentaTV) in Hamburg. "We are very satisfied with the course of the deployment so far."

The police had long prepared for the EM deployment and the past days have shown that the concept works in its entirety - including the mandatory leave for policewomen and policemen. "The deployment concept allows us to react early and flexibly with the necessary measures to established developments such as car convoys, fan walks or large visitor streams around the fan zone and the public viewing," the police spokesperson added.

"It's a festival atmosphere"

The balance of the two unions is also positive. Both spoke of a "relaxed situation" and "peaceful games." Fortunately, incidents such as riots or terrorist attacks had not occurred, said the Hamburg chairman of the Police Union (GdP), Horst Niens, to the German Press Agency.

Similarly, the verdict of the German Police Union (DPolG) is positive. Neither at the games in Volksparkstadion nor at the fan festival on Heiligengeistfeld with space for 50,000 guests nor at the Germany games had there been significant disturbances or major police interventions until the quarter-final matches, said the Hamburg DPolG chief Thomas Jungfer.

It doesn't work without overtime - "A lot helps a lot"

Niens and Jungfer emphasized that the successful EM deployment of the police would not have been possible without overtime. "The real sufferers are the colleagues who stayed behind in the police station and had to work 12-hour shifts," said Niens.

Unfortunately, the number of overtime hours cannot yet be determined according to the unions and the Hamburg police. Whether it could have worked with fewer resources is also unknown, said Jungfer. His verdict of the Hamburg police deployment during the EM: "A lot helps a lot."

  1. The upcoming EM quarter-final between Portugal and France will be broadcast on ZDF and MagentaTV at 21:00 Uhr, taking place at Volksparkstadion in Hamburg.
  2. Despite the large crowds, the Hamburg police have commended the peaceful celebrations during the Euro 2020 matches, with France and Portugal being the next team to play.
  3. The Police Union in Hamburg, led by Horst Niens, has also praised the overall deployment at Volksparkstadion, citing a "relaxed situation" and "peaceful games."
  4. The French national soccer team will face Portugal in Hamburg at Volksparkstadion, a match the Hamburg Police Union believes could not have been managed without the dedicated efforts and overtime of its officers.

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