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Police: Railway line briefly closed after lightning strike

According to the Federal Police, lightning strikes between Dortmund and Hamm briefly caused problems for rail traffic.

Lightning discharges from a thundercloud.
Lightning discharges from a thundercloud.

Storm - Police: Railway line briefly closed after lightning strike

At Dortmund Hauptbahnhof and on the railway line between Dortmund and Hamm, according to the Federal Police, lightning strikes occurred on Saturday evening. People were reportedly not injured based on initial findings, a Federal Police spokeswoman said. This led to a temporary closure of the railway line, but it was later reopened after an inspection. There were reportedly no major damages at Dortmund Hauptbahnhof.

A spokeswoman for the railway company initially refused to confirm that it was indeed lightning strikes. While that's possible, it cannot be definitively confirmed yet. The railway line was reopened around 10:30 pm. Some trains were therefore rerouted.

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  1. The Federal Police in North Rhine-Westphalia reported lightning strikes on the railroad line between Dortmund and Hamm on Saturday evening, affecting Dortmund main station.
  2. Despite the storm, no injuries were reported following the lightning strikes, according to the Federal Police spokeswoman.
  3. The impact of the lightning strike resulted in a temporary halt of rail traffic on the affected railroad line.
  4. After a thorough inspection, the Federal Police declared the railroad line safe and reopened it around 10:30 pm.
  5. The police in Dortmund advised passengers to monitor railway updates due to potential alterations in rail traffic due to the weather incident.
  6. The Federal Police shared on Twitter that their units are ready to assist in the event of any weather-related disruptions on Germany's railroads.
  7. In the days following the lightning strikes, the railroad company conducted an investigation to assess the long-term effects on the railroad line.

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