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An ambulance is on the road with flashing blue
An ambulance is on the road with flashing blue

Police: Pupil allegedly injured by irritant gas

Four female and one male pupil at a comprehensive school in Kassel have presumably been injured by irritant gas, according to the police. The young people had complained of respiratory irritation, nausea and vomiting, the North Hesse Police Headquarters announced on Tuesday. The emergency services treated the pupils at the scene on Monday afternoon, but it was not necessary to transport them to hospital.

According to the information provided, the symptoms of the young people aged between 12 and 16 occurred after entering the entrance hall. It was initially unclear whether and by whom irritant gas or another unknown substance had been released there. The police are now investigating on suspicion of dangerous bodily harm. The entrance hall of the school was ventilated and could then be re-entered.

The incident at the school prompted an immediate response from the emergency services due to the potential seriousness of the emergencies. The police are now treating this incident as a potential case of dangerous bodily harm due to the use of irritant gas.




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