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Police prevent climbing action at Ulm Minster

The church tower of Ulm Minster is the highest in the world. Climate activists wanted to abseil down it on Wednesday morning to attach a large banner. But the action leaked out.

A police emergency vehicle.
A police emergency vehicle.

Demonstrations - Police prevent climbing action at Ulm Minster

The police prevented an action by Climate activists at Ulm Munster. On Tuesday evening, an anonymous tip was received and appropriate preparations were made, said a police spokesperson on Wednesday. Officers then monitored the area and deterred the activists. The action did not take place. The spokesperson initially did not provide further details.

Three activists had planned, according to their own statements, to abseil from a height of over 70 meters at the Munster on Wednesday morning to hang a banner with the inscription "What if Jesus was a Climate Activist?" on the highest church tower in the world. They wanted to promote Christian values in climate politics with this. In the night they reported that their plan had been discovered. After a call from the police, they decided that the action could not take place as planned.

The banner is said to be approximately 100 square meters in size and also shows an illustration of a Bible passage. They now want to repeat the action "at a given time at another church" - and are looking for a community that would hang the banner on their church tower.

With exactly 161.53 meters, the Munster in Ulm has the highest church tower in the world. The foundation stone for the Munster, which is also the largest Protestant church in Germany, was laid in the year 1377.

Website of the activists [

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  1. The climbers had initially intended to execute their demonstration at the Ulm Minster, the world's tallest church tower located in Baden-Württemberg, by abseiling from over 70 meters to display a 100 square meter banner with the message "What if Jesus was a Climate Activist?"
  2. The planned demonstration on Wednesday morning at the Ulm Munster was thwarted by the police, who received an anonymous tip and took precautions the previous evening.
  3. Despite the prevention of their action at the Ulm Minster, the activists plan to repeat their climbing action at a different church with a suitable church tower.
  4. The Ulm Minster, first laid as a foundation in 1377, is the largest Protestant church in Germany and is known for its 161.53 meter high church tower.

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