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Police operation due to escalated birthday party

The police have broken up a party of young people in the Ilm district: Fists were flying at the party, which was attended by more people than invited.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Ilm district - Police operation due to escalated birthday party

Up to 100 guests, fights and property damage: After an invitation was shared on social media, a birthday party for young adults in the Ilm district got out of hand. According to a police statement on Saturday, several patrol cars had to be deployed to Kirchheim, a district of Amt Wachsenburg. The police finally broke up the party on Saturday night.

Among other things, there had been an altercation when a 14-year-old was expelled from the party. He had slightly injured an 18-year-old several times by punching him in the face. The 14-year-old and others also caused damage to property in a toilet. According to the police, several people punched an 18-year-old during another altercation. There were several minor injuries.

A 21-year-old was temporarily taken into custody and a 14-year-old was handed over to his parents. "The exact acts are part of an ongoing investigation," said the police.

The background to the party was two 18th birthdays. The party took place in a rented location.

Police statement

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