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Police looking for witnesses to fatal cycling accident in Leipzig

A cyclist dies in an accident with a truck. Who can provide information about the exact course of the tragedy?

The accident occurred shortly before a road junction at Leuschnerplatz
The accident occurred shortly before a road junction at Leuschnerplatz

Fatal accident - Police looking for witnesses to fatal cycling accident in Leipzig

After a fatal accident involving a female cyclist in Leipzig, the police are seeking witnesses. Particularly sought after are people who can make statements about the cyclist's route, the police stated. The 33-year-old woman was hit by a truck in the Leipzig city center on Thursday and died as a result.

According to current knowledge, the 33-year-old woman was riding on a marked bike lane. The truck driver intended to change lanes from the middle lane. The bike lane is located between the lanes. The truck hit the woman. She was seriously injured and died at the scene of the accident. Investigations have been initiated against the 25-year-old truck driver for negligent manslaughter.

Leipzig's Mayor Burkhard Jung announced an examination of traffic management at the accident site. "We will examine the situation for cyclists at this location again. I am ordering this," said the SPD politician to the "Leipziger Volkszeitung".

The fatal accident in Leipzig on Thursday involved a cyclist and a truck, resulting in the cyclist's death on the spot. Saxony's police are urging witnesses to come forward with information about the woman's route, as investigations continue against the truck driver for negligent manslaughter. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident; Leipzig has seen multiple cycling accidents this year, highlighting the need for improved traffic management and safety measures.

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