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Police looking for witnesses after serious assault

The police are looking for witnesses after a serious assault in Braunschweig. There was a physical altercation last Saturday in which a 56-year-old man was seriously injured in the face, as the police announced on Thursday.

A patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Brunswick - Police looking for witnesses after serious assault

The police are looking for witnesses after a serious assault in Braunschweig. There was a physical altercation last Saturday in which a 56-year-old man was seriously injured in the face, as the police announced on Thursday.

According to what the police know so far, the man was sitting in a pub with the three suspected perpetrators. For reasons still unknown, an altercation developed in which three of them assaulted the victim. One of them pulled the man to the ground and held him down, another punched him several times with his fists and a third kicked the man on the head.

All three perpetrators then left the pub. The victim initially left the pub on his own, but was found lying on the ground at a bus stop a short time later by passers-by. They called the police and an ambulance. According to the police, the victim was taken to hospital with serious facial injuries. It cannot be ruled out that the 56-year-old will suffer permanent damage to the eye area, the police said.

Police statement

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