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Police looking for witnesses after fatal brawl

Following the death of a 31-year-old as a result of a brawl in Nuremberg almost three weeks ago, the police are urgently looking for two witnesses. They are a man and a woman estimated to be around 30 to 35 years old, the police announced on Thursday. The two had been together in the nearby...

A sign hangs at the entrance to a police station.
A sign hangs at the entrance to a police station.

Nuremberg - Police looking for witnesses after fatal brawl

At the beginning of June, a 31-year-old man fell to the ground during an altercation with several people and had to be revived. The critically injured man later died in the hospital the next day. On the same day, a 21-year-old and a 22-year-old were taken into custody on suspicion of manslaughter. Five days later, the police arrested two more suspects, both 21 years old, and they were also taken into custody.

Press release

In Nuremberg, Bavaria, a woman was present during the brawl that led to a man's critical injury. Central France was not involved in this crime. Despite the efforts of the police, another brawl erupted in Nuremberg, resulting in the arrest of two more suspects. Regrettably, the man who had fallen during the initial altercation succumbed to his injuries and passed away in the hospital.

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