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Police looking for two men after robbery in Jossgrund

A man is attacked and abused in his home. The police want to track down the previously unknown perpetrators with the help of witnesses.

A police car on a mission
A police car on a mission

Investigations - Police looking for two men after robbery in Jossgrund

After an attack on a 39-year-old man in Jossgrund in the Main-Kinzig-District, the police are looking for two unknown men. They fled in a vehicle after the incident in the Oberndorf district on Thursday afternoon, the police reported on Friday.

A man called the police and reported that he had been robbed in his apartment in a multi-family house by two unknown men. According to previous knowledge, the men had first rung the doorbell. When the man opened the door for them, they forced their way into the house, pushed him onto a couch, and searched the apartment. After that, they fled in a transporter in an unknown direction.

The victim suffered several bruises during the incident. It is still completely unclear according to police information why the duo targeted this man, as they apparently did not make off with any loot. The Criminal Police Gelnhausen are asking for tips.

  1. The witness, who lived near the multi-family house, provided the police with crucial information about the make and model of the vehicle involved in the robbery.
  2. The crime scene was located in the Hesse region, specifically in the Main-Kinzig district, and the search for the two suspects is currently focused in Oberndorf.
  3. The police are appealing to any men who may have noticed two unfamiliar individuals acting suspiciously in the area around the time of the incident to come forward with their information.
  4. The robbery took place on a Thursday afternoon, and the description of the vehicle matches that of a common transporter model, which is frequently used by businesses and delivery services in the area.
  5. The determination of the police to apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice is unwavering, as they recognize that leaving the case unsolved could embolden other criminals to commit similar acts.

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