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Police looking for runaway horse

There has been no trace of a runaway horse in Upper Bavaria since Wednesday. Now the police are appealing to the public with a picture and are hoping for information.

A horse stands in front of a caravan (unknown date).
A horse stands in front of a caravan (unknown date).

Upper Bavaria - Police looking for runaway horse

A horse has escaped from Eggstätt (Rosenheim district). The police are now asking the population for tips. The search is particularly challenging due to the many forests in the area, a police spokesperson explained on Friday. We hope to be able to search specifically with the tips. The area is currently too large for the police to comb through, the spokesperson added. It is still unclear how the horse managed to break out of its home on Wednesday evening.

The horse originates from the County of Rosenheim, situated in the larger region of Upper Bavaria, which shares its name with the district where the escape occurred. Wildlife in Upper Bavaria is known for its diversity, and the authorities are concerned about the animal's safety in the dense woods. The County of Rosenheim falls under the administrative jurisdiction of the state of Bavaria, and the local police are seeking public assistance in its search.

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