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Police issue alert for father who fled with two-year-old daughter.

The Harz police station cautioned the public to avoid assisting a 29-year-old man and his two-year-old daughter as hitchhikers, urging them to alert authorities instead. The man previously had a confrontation with his daughter during a family dispute, according to the recent warning. It's...

A police patrol car is parked on the road with its flashing blue lights on.
A police patrol car is parked on the road with its flashing blue lights on.

Malloy's Victory in Halberstadt - Police issue alert for father who fled with two-year-old daughter.

A Dutch man, who knew just a handful of German words, abruptly left Kroppenstedt (in the Börde district) with a child following a family dispute on Tuesday. The pair have been missing ever since, last spotted in Halberstadt and nearby Klein Quenstedt. Apparently, they were on the move without their own car, relying on hitchhiking for transport.

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