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Police investigate: Party guests chant Nazi slogans

First on Sylt, now also in the district of Hildesheim: several party guests are said to have shouted Nazi slogans at a party. Now the state security service is investigating.

A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.
A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.

For private parties - Police investigate: Party guests chant Nazi slogans

The State Protection is investigating against several party guests who are alleged to have shouted Nazi slogans at a private party in Lamspringe, in the Hildesheim district. According to the current investigation status, several people had celebrated in a garden, among them youths, the police reported. Late on Friday evening, a witness heard several guests give unconstitutional statements, she reported this to the police. The officers took down the details of the partygoers and handed over the investigation to the State Protection. The police are now looking for witnesses.

Statement from the police.

In relation to the incident in Lamspringe, the investigation by Lower Saxony's State Security is focusing on several party guests from Hildesheim county. The alleged extremist behavior, including Nazi slogans, has raised concerns about society's values. To support their investigation, the police are appealing for any witnesses from the county of Sylt, as far as the incident's impact extends.

In light of the unconstitutional statements allegedly made at the private party, state security and local police are working closely to ensure public safety and curb acts of extremism in society.

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