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Police in Alsace are searching for Lina.

After the discovery of her DNA traces in a car, police in Alsace are searching in large numbers for the missing teenager. Any hope of finding Lina alive is likely gone.

Investigators found DNA of the juveniles in a car, according to the prosecutor's office.
Investigators found DNA of the juveniles in a car, according to the prosecutor's office.

- Police in Alsace are searching for Lina.

In the case of the teenager, Lina, who went missing ten months ago in the Alsace region, the French police have launched a large-scale search operation following the discovery of DNA traces in a stolen car. The prosecutor's office in Strasbourg announced this. Investigators suspect a crime. Since the morning, numerous police officers have been deployed in the Bruche valley near the village of Saint-Blaise-la-Roche, as reported by the newspaper "Le Parisien".

The then 15-year-old disappeared on September 23 last year on the three-kilometer footpath from her home to the train station. The prosecutor's office in Strasbourg announced last Friday that it had secured a car in which investigators found DNA traces of the teenager. The vehicle was in the vicinity at the time of the teenager's disappearance.

As reported by "Le Parisien" citing investigators, the stolen car was driven by a local petty criminal. It was reported that the man took his own life after the car was secured. Investigators suspect that he had accidentally come across the teenager and offered her a ride. He then allegedly killed her under circumstances that are still not clear.

Based on witness statements, investigators were searching for different types of cars during the search. The recently discovered car then came into focus of the investigation, which the officers managed to locate in southern France after a long search.

The French police have been interviewing local petty criminals in connection with the DNA traces found in the stolen car. The Police are also increasing their patrols in the Bruche valley to ensure the safety of the residents following the disturbing developments.

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