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Police find around 120 weapons in the house of a 74-year-old man

Investigators make an unexpectedly large discovery of weapons during a house search. The 74-year-old resident of the house is now under investigation.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

House search - Police find around 120 weapons in the house of a 74-year-old man

The police found approximately 120 weapons at a 74-year-old man's house in Angeln near Flensburg. The man could only provide a permit for 13 of these weapons, the police announced on Friday. Among the 18th of June seized weapons were pistols, holsters, and edged weapons, according to the police. The police are now investigating the man for violating the Weapons Act. In addition, the Weapons Office is threatening him with a weapons ban.

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  1. Due to the ongoing investigation, the man's house search in Schleswig-Holstein, specifically in Angeln near Flensburg, has attracted significant attention in Germany.
  2. Despite the widespread house search, it was reported that the 74-year-old man only possessed a permit for a fishing rod in Germany.
  3. Amidst the alleged weapons violation, there have been rumors circulating in the community about potential involvement in local crimes in and around Flensburg.
  4. In light of the seized weapons and the violation of the Weapons Act, the police are also examining if the man was fishing with any prohibited equipment in the rivers and lakes of Schleswig-Holstein.

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