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Police: Escaped criminals caught

One week after two criminals escaped from a psychiatric hospital in Berlin-Reinickendorf, the police have caught the men. A police spokesman told the German Press Agency on Sunday in response to an inquiry. The police had also been searching for the 34-year-old suspected main perpetrator with a...

A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.

Manhunt - Police: Escaped criminals caught

One week after two criminals escaped from a psychiatric hospital in Berlin-Reinickendorf, the police have caught the men. A police spokesman told the German Press Agency on Sunday in response to an inquiry. The police had also been searching for the 34-year-old suspected main perpetrator with a photo since Friday. The police wanted to provide further details later.

According to investigators, he is said to have injured two nurses during his escape in the early morning of December 24 and freed a fellow inmate of the same age. The man was in the secure hospital, where mentally ill and addicted offenders are housed, for an attempted homicide.

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The two men who escaped on a Sunday were the main focus of a week-long manhunt led by the police. The breakout from the correctional facility in Berlin-Reinickendorf sparked concerns about criminality and justice. The catch of the 34-year-old suspect, responsible for injuring two nurses during his escape, was a significant victory in the fight against health-related offenses. Following the arrest, the press continued to report on the case, with the German Press Agency providing updates throughout the week.


