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Police end resistance to deportation

Two young men are to be deported. When the police try to pick them up from the apartment of a Schwerin church, the family concerned barricades themselves in. The police negotiate, but then break into the apartment.

A police car in front of a house.
A police car in front of a house.

Large contingent - Police end resistance to deportation

The police in Schwerin used a large contingent and special forces to put an end to resistance against a planned deportation. According to a police spokeswoman, a family of six had barricaded themselves in the apartment of a church congregation early on Wednesday morning when police officers tried to enforce the deportation of two young men. The family relationship initially remained unclear.

After about four hours of trying to stay in contact with the family, the police finally forced their way into the apartment. It was discovered that one of the two young men was injured and one woman was in a state of mental distress. Both were taken to hospital in a waiting ambulance. How the young man sustained the injury and the nature of it was not disclosed. The other four people, including two children, remained in the building for the time being.

According to a spokesperson for the North Church, the family in question was a family of six from Afghanistan whose two adult sons were to be deported. This had been ordered by the immigration authorities in Kiel. Both were reportedly to be taken to Spain.

The police had initially spoken of two 18 and 22-year-old men from Iraq. According to the church spokesperson, the family was staying in an apartment on the edge of a prefabricated housing estate in Schwerin, which is provided for refugees by the local parish.

A local resident reported that two police patrol cars had pulled up outside the parish hall that morning. Shortly afterwards, loud screams could be heard from a woman. According to the police, she had tried to prevent the deportation of the two young men. The police spokeswoman was unable to say at midday whether this would happen later in the day.

The police had asked the public to avoid the area during the operation. However, cars were able to pass through unhindered. According to the police, there was no danger to outsiders at any time.

Police press release Police follow-up press release

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