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Police: Do not drive on roads closed due to flooding

The police are warning drivers not to ignore road closures due to flooding. This happened in the Northeim region - some road users had to be rescued from their predicament by the fire department and the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW). Officials announced on Monday that they had been...

The Rodenberger Aue is flooding.
The Rodenberger Aue is flooding.

Warning - Police: Do not drive on roads closed due to flooding

The police are warning drivers not to ignore road closures due to flooding. This happened in the Northeim region - some road users had to be rescued from their predicament by the fire department and the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW). Officials announced on Monday that they had been issued with chargeable warnings on Sunday.

In many regions of Lower Saxony, the flood situation worsened on Christmas Eve. In view of the continuing tense weather situation, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in Hamburg is also warning of storm surges in the Weser region and on the North Sea coast of Lower Saxony.

BSH water level forecast

Read also:

  1. Despite the police warnings, some drivers in Lower Saxony disregarded road closures due to the flood, leading to bad weather conditions, and required rescue by the fire department in Northeim on Sunday.
  2. The terrible weather situation on Christmas Eve in Lower Saxony resulted in roads being blocked by flooding, requiring the attention of not only the police but also the THW in certain areas.
  3. As a result of the neglect of police warnings and the hazardous weather in Lower Saxony, the BSH in Hamburg issued a warning on Monday of potential storm surges in the Weser region and on the North Sea coast.
  4. The city of Bremen was not immune to the bad weather, with floodwaters submerging roads and causing chaos on Sunday, necessitating cooperation between the local police and the fire department.
  5. In the face of such extreme weather conditions, the THW has been working tirelessly to help those affected, rescuing people and clearing roads in various parts of Lower Saxony, including the flood-stricken city of Northeim.


