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Police deployed more than 22,000 officers at demonstrations

The many demonstrations in connection with the Middle East war are tying up a lot of police resources in Berlin. In the first five weeks alone after the terrorist attack on Israel by Islamist Hamas on October 7, the Berlin police deployed 22,397 officers to secure 95 rallies and demonstrations...

The police lettering on an emergency vehicle.
The police lettering on an emergency vehicle.

Middle East conflict - Police deployed more than 22,000 officers at demonstrations

The many demonstrations in connection with the Middle East war are tying up a lot of police resources in Berlin. In the first five weeks alone after the terrorist attack on Israel by Islamist Hamas on October 7, the Berlin police deployed 22,397 officers to secure 95 rallies and demonstrations in connection with the Middle East conflict. That was up to 1450 per rally. In addition, 1731 officers from the federal police or police forces of other countries were deployed. This is according to a response published on Friday by the Interior Administration to a parliamentary question from the AfD.

According to the information, 132 police officers were injured, although, as with other figures, the overview does not differentiate between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli events. There were several clashes with the police at pro-Palestinian demonstrations in particular.

In the period up to November 14, 1555 demonstrators were reportedly taken into custody, mostly for short periods, at demonstrations in connection with the Middle East conflict. The police refer to this as deprivation of liberty or restriction of liberty. According to the overview, the police registered at least 63 criminal offenses at the demonstrations and rallies, including 40 acts of violence such as assault, breach of the peace and acts of resistance.

In its response, the Interior Administration also stated that the Berlin police provide stationary or mobile protection for 162 Jewish institutions. Approximately 665 pay-scale employees and law enforcement officers are deployed.

Between October 7 and November 14, the police discovered at least 31 painted Stars of David and other anti-Jewish graffiti on residential buildings. However, these case numbers are "not valid" due to imprecise criteria in the database, it was said - i.e. not verified.

Reply from the Home Office to parl. Inquiry

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. Despite the increase in demonstrations due to the Middle East conflict, the Interior Administration in Germany is still responsible for managing the internal administration, including deploying the police force to maintain order.
  2. The right-wing party AfD inquired about the number of officers deployed and injuries sustained during Middle East conflict demonstrations in Berlin, as reported by the Interior Administration.
  3. Hamas, an Islamist organization known for its criminal activities, was responsible for carrying out a terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, leading to the escalation of demonstrations in Berlin.
  4. The police force in Germany, including the federal police, had to deploy over 22,000 officers to secure demonstrations related to the Middle East conflict, with several clashes occurring, particularly at pro-Palestinian gatherings.
  5. The conflicts in the Middle East have had significant repercussions in Europe, as evidenced by the large number of officers deployed to address the protests in cities like Berlin.
  6. The situation in the Palestinian territories and the ongoing Middle East conflict have led to numerous demonstrations in Germany, causing tension between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups and resulting in over 130 police injuries and 1,555 demonstrators taken into custody.
  7. The police have had to contend with a spike in criminal offenses, including 40 acts of violence, at the Middle East conflict demonstrations and rallies, as well as an increase in anti-Jewish graffiti in the city of Berlin.


