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Police continue investigation after fatal shooting in Erfurt

A man is shot dead, a suspect arrested. But the work of the investigating authorities is far from over.

Investigations continue after suspected murder in Erfurt.
Investigations continue after suspected murder in Erfurt.

Suspicion of murder - Police continue investigation after fatal shooting in Erfurt

After the arrest of a 48-year-old man on suspicion of murder, investigations into the fatal shootings in Erfurt continue. A police spokesperson for the Erfurt Prosecutor's Office stated this morning that investigative measures were still ongoing. The suspect has yet to speak and has not given a formal statement. The spokesperson did not provide further details due to ongoing investigations.

At a free space in Erfurt's north, a 39-year-old man was shot dead in the night of Thursday. A forensic examination revealed that the man had died from gunshot wounds, as the Prosecutor's Office had already reported. The suspect was initially on the run. He was eventually arrested in the vicinity of Erfurt's main train station on the night of Saturday. At the time of his arrest, the German man did not have a weapon with him, according to the Prosecutor's Office. The suspect was taken into custody on Saturday.

The Prosecutor's Office has not yet provided information on the weapon, background of the crime, or media reports suggesting that the case took place in the drug scene.

The arrest of the suspect took place in Thuringia's Erfurt, specifically near the main train station. The public prosecutor's office in Erfurt is now handling the charges against him for the suspected murder. Despite being in custody, the suspect has yet to offer any information or make a formal statement regarding the shooting incident.

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