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Police conduct raid on possible "Reichsbürger" group connected to Prince Reuß.

A sizable police force acts against individuals suspected of being associated with the Reichsbürger scene.

A police officer stands between two police vehicles.
A police officer stands between two police vehicles.

Acts of terror - Police conduct raid on possible "Reichsbürger" group connected to Prince Reuß.

The Federal Prosecutor's Office is going after potential backers of the accused terrorist group connected to the "Reichsbuerger" ideologue, Heinrich XIII. Prince Reuss. Police have been searching for seven locations and three plots since early Tuesday morning in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein, according to a representative of the Federal Prosecutor's Office.

These actions are focused on two individuals from Baden-Wuerttemberg, who are being charged with supporting a domestic terrorist organization, the spokeswoman said.

As reported by the "Spiegel," the apartments of the two individuals in Althengstett and Bad Teinach (both in Calw's district) are being searched, along with the adjoining plots. A 73-year-old man and a 63-year-old woman are believed to have provided spots in Saxony for the "Reichsbuerger" group around Prince Reuss's associates at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. Right now, some of the group's top figures are on trial at the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt am Main. It's also mentioned that the female suspect gave a car to one of them, Rudiger v. P., in the fall of 2021.

Over 700 officers from the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Federal Police, and the police of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Schleswig-Holstein are part of the operations. Special units from the federal government and Baden-Wuerttemberg are also involved, as well as the state's Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service and the Technical Relief Organization in Saxony. Heavy machinery is being used in the process.

The spokeswoman for the Federal Prosecutor's Office stated that this includes specialized units from the federal government and Baden-Wuerttemberg. The operations in Baden-Wuerttemberg are aided by units from the state's Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service, while the Technical Relief Organization from Saxony is aiding the operations there. Heavy machinery is also being employed.

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