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Police break up right-wing extremist music events

Thuringia was once considered a stronghold for right-wing extremist concerts. There have not been any major right-wing rock events for some time now. At the weekend, the police once again prevented two smaller events in the north and south of the state.

A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.

Extremism - Police break up right-wing extremist music events

Police in Thuringia have broken up two music events organized by the right-wing extremist scene. In southern Thuringia, a police patrol noticed cars with license plates from several federal states in front of a restaurant on Friday, as the police announced on Saturday. The operator was a man known to the police from the right-wing extremist scene in Kloster Veßra (Hildburghausen district), they said.

According to the information provided, he initially tried to conceal the reason for the 50 or so visitors. However, the officers discovered an unregistered music event and broke it up. The identities of those involved were then recorded.

Police also prevented a right-wing extremist concert in the north of the state. According to information from Sunday, a "known member of the right-wing scene" had invited people to the concert under the pretext of a Christmas party. The police did not initially reveal the exact location of the planned concert.

According to them, two nationally known right-wing extremist scene bands were to play. There were only a few visitors, who were turned away. "Apparently word of the ban on the event had spread quickly among the participants", the police said in a statement.

Thuringia was once considered a stronghold for right-wing rock concerts and neo-Nazi music events. For some years now, the authorities and police have been cracking down more consistently. In particular, there have been no more major events with thousands of right-wing extremists in recent years.

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