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Police attacked with hammers - attacker in psychiatric ward

A 21-year-old is alleged to have attacked a police officer in a cowardly manner with a hammer, investigations are underway for attempted murder. Medical services are called during the court hearing.

A 21-year-old who allegedly attacked a police officer has been taken to a psychiatric clinic.
A 21-year-old who allegedly attacked a police officer has been taken to a psychiatric clinic.

- Police attacked with hammers - attacker in psychiatric ward

A 21-year-old man, who allegedly assaulted a federal police officer in Moenchengladbach with a hammer in a sneak attack, was admitted to a psychiatric clinic one day after the incident. Investigations against him, suspected of attempted murder, will continue, the police said. The man was arrested on Tuesday after attacking a 27-year-old federal police officer.

The suspected attacker was brought before a judge today. "His health condition deteriorated again in court," the police reported. Emergency services took the man to a hospital. Doctors there determined that his current mental illness made it impossible for him to be held in a detention facility. "Doctors and officials from Moenchengladbach's public order office admitted him to a psychiatric clinic, where he will be temporarily housed."

The 21-year-old allegedly approached three police officers from behind at the main station, hiding the hammer. He then suddenly struck towards the 27-year-old officer's head, who was able to dodge. Another strike lightly injured the officer's upper body. The 21-year-old Russian was overpowered. After his arrest, he collapsed at a police station and received outpatient treatment. Tests showed he was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. "Whether the suspect may have acted from a state of mental confusion at the time of the crime" is now also being investigated.

The police escorted the suspect to the courtroom for his hearing. Due to his unstable condition, the police requested reinforcements to ensure his safety.

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