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Police also check noise levels on motorcycles

The Black Forest attracts many motorcyclists. The noise made by some machines is a concern for residents and the police. Head of government Kretschmann presents the current noise action plan in Stuttgart.

Motorcyclists are increasingly checked in the Black Forest.
Motorcyclists are increasingly checked in the Black Forest.

Volume - Police also check noise levels on motorcycles

Motorcyclists are closely examined for their noise level during controls in the Black Forest. "Noise is a topic we want to focus more on," said the leader of the Traffic Police Inspection Baden-Baden, Günther Preis. "The residents are gradually building barricades."

Motorcyclists are significantly louder than cars - this was already shown in a report published by the State Transport Ministry last year. Approximately every third motorcyclist passing by is as loud as a pneumatic hammer or a lawn mower. On this coming Tuesday (12:00 PM), Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann and Transport State Secretary Elke Zimmer (both Greens) plan to present the Noise Action Plan 2024.

During a control in the Forbach district (Rastatt district), 30 motorcyclists were checked recently. Police officers checked their speed and thoroughly examined machines, for example, the exhaust. The officers were equipped with a noise measurement device - fines will be imposed for violations.

An elderly resident: "The racers come after 6 PM"

At one in ten motorcycles checked in Forbach, structural modifications were noted, as reported by a police spokesperson. These inspections will continue, Preis announced. "We are also present during the European Championship."

A resident complained about the high noise pollution in the warm season, especially on weekends and evenings. "Between 6 PM and 9 PM, after work hours, the racers from Karlsruhe and Pforzheim come," reported the 68-year-old woman.

French Gendarmes also involved in control in the Black Forest

Three motorcycle gendarmes from Alsace were involved in the control near the Schwarzenbach Dam Reservoir. "The technical inspection is more thorough than in France," summarized the chief of the squad, Sacha Damm. As part of the Franco-German police cooperation, controls are also carried out in the Vosges. The gendarmerie belongs to the military in the neighboring country but also performs police duties.

The noise from motorcycles is also a topic in other regions of the country. For five years, there has been the initiative Motorradlärm in Baden-Württemberg, in which many municipalities are involved.

Near the police control, a sign on the Schwarzwald-Hochstraße B500 reminds motorcyclists of those who have died or been injured on the curvy stretch of road. "Brake" is written on one of the signs. 73 bikers died in accidents in the state last year, seven more than in 2022, according to the statistics of the Interior Ministry.

  1. The Traffic Police Inspection Baden-Baden, led by Günther Preis, is increasing their focus on motorcycle noise levels in the Black Forest due to resident complaints.
  2. According to a report from the State Transport Ministry, motorcyclists are significantly louder than cars, with approximately one-third as loud as a pneumatic hammer or a lawn mower.
  3. During a recent control in the Forbach district (part of Rastatt), 30 motorcyclists were checked for speed and exhaust noise levels by police officers equipped with a noise measurement device.
  4. Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann and Transport State Secretary Elke Zimmer (both from the Greens) will present the Noise Action Plan 2024 on Tuesday to address the noise pollution issue.
  5. The chief of a French gendarme squad, Sacha Damm, mentioned that the technical inspection for motorcycles in the Black Forest is more thorough than in France during a recent control near the Schwarzenbach Dam Reservoir.
  6. The initiative Motorradlärm in Baden-Württemberg, which involves many municipalities, has been addressing the noise from motorcycles as a topic in other regions of the country for five years.
  7. Last year, 73 bikers died in accidents in the state of Baden-Württemberg, seven more than in 2022, according to the statistics of the Interior Ministry, serving as another reason to address motorcycle safety and noise regulations.

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