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Pleas in the trial against right-wing extremist Liebich

Sven Liebich is back in court in appeal proceedings. The right-wing extremist is facing a prison sentence for the first time. The pleas are expected on Thursday.

The defendant Sven Liebich in the courtroom of the Halle Regional Court.
The defendant Sven Liebich in the courtroom of the Halle Regional Court.

Process - Pleas in the trial against right-wing extremist Liebich

In the appeals proceedings against the right-wing extremist Sven Liebich at the Halle District Court, the pleadings are expected today on this Thursday. The judgment could already be handed down on Friday. Previously, the Amtsgericht der Saalestadt had sentenced him in July 2023, among other things, for incitement to hatred and defamation, to one year and six months' imprisonment without parole. Both the prosecution and Liebich's defense had lodged an appeal thereafter. The appeals proceedings were opened two weeks ago.

Against the right-wing extremist, various proceedings have been conducted at different courts for years. For example, a judgment of the Halle District Court against him from the end of March is legally binding, which sentenced him, among other things, for defamation of persons active in politics and incitement to hatred. The court had sentenced the accused in October of the previous year to ten months' imprisonment on probation. A legally binding prison sentence against Liebich exists to date.

  1. Liebich's legal team is set to present their plea in the regional court of Saxony-Anhalt, as part of the ongoing appeal procedure against his imprisonment for extremist rhetoric.
  2. The appeal hearing, initiated by both the prosecution and Liebich's defense, stems from the local court's verdict in July 2023, which included a sentence for incitement to hatred and defamation.
  3. If found guilty in the appeal proceedings, Liebich may face an extended period of imprisonment, adding to the existing legal consequences for his right-wing extremist activities.
  4. The regional court will deliberate on whether the local court's initial sentence of one year and six months without parole is an adequate punishment for Liebich's extremist proclamations that infringed upon justice and democratic values.
  5. Regardless of the outcome of the appeals process, the concern over right-wing extremism and related processes in the courts remains a pressing matter of justice and societal cohesion in Saxony-Anhalt.

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