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Pleadings expected in fraud trial about drive amok

After the Volkmarsen rampage during the 2020 Rose Monday parade, he is alleged to have falsely posed as a victim in order to obtain treatment and money. A 54-year-old man must answer to the Korbach district court for three counts of commercial fraud - two of which were attempted. This Tuesday...

A sign reading "Defendant" is placed on the court bench.
A sign reading "Defendant" is placed on the court bench.

Local court - Pleadings expected in fraud trial about drive amok

After the Volkmarsen rampage during the 2020 Rose Monday parade, he is alleged to have falsely posed as a victim in order to obtain treatment and money. A 54-year-old man must answer to the Korbach district court for three counts of commercial fraud - two of which were attempted. This Tuesday (9.00 a.m.), the public prosecutor and defense will make their pleas.

The accused is said to have been at his home address in Bad Arolsen on the day of the car attack and learned of the events from the media. However, he is said to have claimed to be an eyewitness to the rampage and a first responder to the Hesse accident insurance fund, who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder as a result.

On February 24, 2020, a 29-year-old man deliberately crashed into the Rose Monday parade in the town of Volkmarsen (Waldeck-Frankenberg district), injuring almost 90 people, including 26 children, some of them seriously.

According to the public prosecutor's office, the defendant received injury and sickness benefits of around 16,500 euros from the health insurance company as the alleged injured party. The accident insurance fund incurred further costs of around 33,000 euros for his inpatient treatment. In addition, the 54-year-old is said to have tried twice unsuccessfully to obtain compensation for pain and suffering from associations that help road accident victims.

At the start of the trial, the accused stated that he had been in Volkmarsen during the car attack and denied the allegations. A verdict could possibly be announced following the pleadings, according to a court spokeswoman.

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