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Plant sponsors wanted for HU Botanical Garden

A shortage of funds and climate change are threatening the existence of the Humboldt University Botanical Garden. Now the university is asking Berliners for support.

Humboldt-Universität is looking for plant sponsors. (symbolic picture)
Humboldt-Universität is looking for plant sponsors. (symbolic picture)

Späth Arboretum - Plant sponsors wanted for HU Botanical Garden

The Humboldt-University is looking for plant patrons for its Botanical Garden, known as the Spath-Arboretum. The donation campaign is necessary for the preservation of the Arboretum, which is threatened by financial struggles and climate change, according to the HU.

Interested individuals can take on a patronage for plants such as the fern with deer antlers or small shrubs like the Japanese Witch-hazel starting from 50 Euro per year. Tree patronages for Black Pine, Ginkgo, and other species start at 500 Euro and above. The patronage lasts for one year.

"The Spath-Arboretum is a unique historical wood collection that serves the research and teaching of the University, but also general environmental education and many Berliners and Berliners as a recreational area," said HU President Julia von Blumenthal in a statement. The donations, according to HU statements, are intended to contribute to the restoration of the ponds and the ecological transformation of the Spath-Arboretum.

Valuable trees in the Arboretum

On a surface of 3.5 hectares, more than 4,000 plant species grow in this garden. Among them are more than 120 so-called record trees, which, according to the HU, are likely to be some of the oldest of their kind or variety in Germany.

The Arboretum also includes the so-called Herbarium, in which more than 20,000 dried and pressed plants, fruits, seeds, pollen, mosses, and lichens are exhibited. The Arboretum is financed and scientifically supervised by the Institute for Biology of the HU.

An Arboretum is a collection of various trees and shrubs that cannot grow in pots. The Berlin Spath-Arboretum is named after the botanist Ludwig Spath (1793-1883). Since 1961, the property has belonged to the Humboldt-University.

  1. To support the Donation campaign at HU, individuals can become patrons for plants in the Spath-Arboretum, which is facing financial challenges and threats from climate change.
  2. The funds raised through this campaign are essential for preserving the Arboretum's unique nature, as well as restoring its ponds and promoting ecological transformation.
  3. The Spath-Arboretum hosts over 4,000 plant species, including numerous record trees, and serves as a research and teaching facility, as well as a recreational area, contributing to nature conservation and environmental education in Berlin.
  4. Donations will help in preserving the Arboretum's vast collection of plants, trees, and shrubs, contributing to the ongoing study of the environment and climate change at Humboldt University.

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