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Plans to cover up anti-Jewish relief delayed

It has been clear for some time that the anti-Jewish sculpture at Brandenburg Cathedral is to be covered up. But there is a problem with the implementation. Why?

History - Plans to cover up anti-Jewish relief delayed

The plans to hang the anti-Jewish relief on Brandenburg Cathedral have come to a standstill. "We are behind schedule with the planning," said Marion Gardei, Commissioner for the Culture of Remembrance of the Evangelical Church of Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia (EKBO), to the German Press Agency.

The monument protection authorities had not agreed to the designs for a mobile wall, which would also display information about the relief. Gardei said that several artists and architects had been asked to submit designs for the movable wall.

According to her, the monument protection authorities complained that the walls would obstruct the cloister. They will now enter into new negotiations with the monument protection authorities. "I think that the monument protection authorities will approach us," said Gardei. The movable walls are adjustable and not for eternity. She therefore sees no reason "why the monument protection authority should not move". She hopes that a joint plan will be developed by the spring. The basic idea of covering the so-called Judensau remains unaffected by the delays.

The defamatory sculpture in the cloister of the Protestant cathedral from the 13th century shows a sow with a human face and Jewish headdress, with other creatures hanging from its teats. Pigs are considered unclean in the Jewish faith. Although the relief will remain in its historical location, it is to be covered up in future following a decision by the EKBO.

So-called "Jewish pig" sculptures can also be seen at other churches - including in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Many of the churches provide information about the sculptures and their meaning and history.

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