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Plans to attack Swedish church: verdict expected

With the help of his younger brother, a 29-year-old in Hamburg is said to have planned a radical Islamist attack on a church in Sweden. The verdict in the trial against the two Syrians is due to be announced this Tuesday (13:00) at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court.

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.

Higher Regional Court - Plans to attack Swedish church: verdict expected

With the help of his younger brother, a 29-year-old in Hamburg is said to have planned a radical Islamist attack on a church in Sweden. The verdict in the trial against the two Syrians is due to be announced this Tuesday (13:00) at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court.

The 29-year-old is accused of preparing a serious act of violence endangering the state and financing terrorism. The 24-year-old is on trial for aiding and abetting the financing of terrorism. According to the Public Prosecutor General's Office, he allegedly helped to procure material for the construction of an explosives belt.

The public prosecutor's office has demanded prison sentences of six and two and a half years respectively for the two men. The defense lawyers argued for lenient prison sentences. The older brother was arrested in April in the St. Georg district of Hamburg, the younger one in Kempten in the Allgäu region.

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