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Planned search for Valeriia on Tuesday: A sizable operation.

Nine-year-old Valeriia went missing a week ago in Döbeln, and the authorities have yet to uncover any leads regarding her whereabouts.

Police officers gather in a parking lot.
Police officers gather in a parking lot.

Search for a missing individual - Planned search for Valeriia on Tuesday: A sizable operation.

A week has passed since the mysterious disappearance of 9-year-old Valeriia in Döbeln, and despite intensive efforts, no traces of the girl have been found. Authorities continue their investigation, following up on every possible lead. The Chemnitz Police Directorate issued a statement in response to a request and confirmed that they're still looking into all avenues. They plan a major search operation on Tuesday, involving hundreds of officers. This time, they'll focus their efforts on the western part of the city, and might even use a drone to aid the search.

Valeriia is a Ukrainian girl who went missing while walking to school last Monday. When she didn't show up at school, a missing person report was filed, and her photo was broadcasted on TV shows like "Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst" on ZDF and "Kripo live" on MDR. However, these broadcasts didn't yield any concrete leads, the authorities confirmed.

A neighbor reportedly spotted the missing girl around 9:20 am on the day she went missing, in front of her school, waiting for someone. The police thoroughly searched the area, accompanied by dogs. Unfortunately, they didn't find any clues there.

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing efforts of the authorities in Chemnitz, including the Police Directorate, no concrete leads have been found in the emergency situation of the missing 9-year-old Valeriia in Döbeln.
  2. In response to the missing person case of Valeriia, a Ukrainian girl who disappeared while walking to school in Saxony, Germany, the Chemnitz Police Directorate is planning a major search operation involving hundreds of officers, focusing on the western part of the city.
  3. As part of the search for the missing 9-year-old Valeriia, authorities have also considered using advanced technology such as drones to aid their search in the area around her school in Döbeln.
  4. Concerns continue to mount for Valeriia's family and friends in Germany as the week-long investigation into her disappearance in Döbeln has yielded no solid leads, with the authorities continuing to follow up on any possible clues.

