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Planned Establishment of "Pro-Palestinian Encampment" at Freie Universität Berlin

Participants stand during a pro-Palestinian demonstration by the "Student Coalition Berlin" group...
Participants stand during a pro-Palestinian demonstration by the "Student Coalition Berlin" group in the theater courtyard of Freie Universität Berlin. The participants occupied the square with tents on Tuesday morning.

Demonstration or Public Expression of Dissent - Planned Establishment of "Pro-Palestinian Encampment" at Freie Universität Berlin

Once more, a gang of Berlin students will set up a "dissidence hub" for a pro-Palestinian rally on a university premise. The dissidence should kick off Thursday night at the Free University (FU) in Berlin-Dahlem, close to the Henry Ford Building, as the Palestine Committee declared Wednesday. We're organizing this event to denounce persistent "racial purging" by Israel and also the displacement of past equivalent occupations.

Read also:

The planned protest camp at FU Berlin is a repeat of previous pro-Palestinian rallies, where students openly express their dissent towards Israel's alleged racial purging and occupation displacements. This time, the "FU" in Berlin-Dahlem serves as a platform for this confrontational demonstration, a stark contrast to the peaceful European Championship qualifying matches by the German national soccer team. The establishment of such dissident hubs sometimes triggers unrest and crime, as seen in some previous protests, highlighting the delicate balance between free speech and public order.

