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Pistorius wants to receive soldiers after end of Mali mission

Following the end of the UN mission in Mali, West Africa, Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (SPD) plans to receive the returning soldiers at the air base in Wunstorf near Hanover on Friday. A so-called returnee roll call is planned to "honor their achievements", the press office of...

Bundeswehr soldiers stand in a row.
Bundeswehr soldiers stand in a row.

German Armed Forces - Pistorius wants to receive soldiers after end of Mali mission

Following the end of the UN mission in Mali, West Africa, Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (SPD) plans to receive the returning soldiers at the air base in Wunstorf near Hanover on Friday. A so-called returnee roll call is planned to "honor their achievements", the press office of Air Force Wing 62 in Wunstorf announced on Tuesday evening. According to the information provided, the Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, Tobias Lindner (Green Party), and the Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, General Carsten Breuer, will also be attending.

The Bundeswehr has ended its UN mission in Mali after more than a decade. According to the mission command, the last 142 soldiers were on their way back via the Senegalese capital Dakar on Tuesday. They are due to land in Wunstorf on Friday in several transport planes. Mali's military government had demanded the withdrawal of all 12,000 UN peacekeepers in June and had previously increased cooperation with Russia.

Following the withdrawal from Afghanistan, this marked the end of the Bundeswehr's second major deployment outside Europe. The mission in West Africa was recently regarded as the most dangerous deployment. The field camp was handed over to Mali on Tuesday before departure. In recent years, it has been the center of the German contribution to the UN peacekeeping mission Minusma.

Participation of the Bundeswehr in Minusma

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