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Pistorius views questionnaires as a preliminary measure.

The Defense Minister acknowledges the significant manpower needs of the armed forces. Conversations persist regarding the possible implementation of conscription, beginning with the call-up process.

Bettina Erzgräber, Rektorin der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, steht in einer...
Bettina Erzgräber, Rektorin der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, steht in einer Werkstatt der Hochschule.

Mandatory military conscription is established. - Pistorius views questionnaires as a preliminary measure.

During a recent debate about various conscription models, Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius believes that sending conscription questionnaires to young adults is the initial step toward implementing conscription. If a defense case arises, conscription would automatically kick in, according to the SPD politician during a recent visit to military troops in northern Germany. However, there's a problem - we don't know where or who the 18-year-old young men are. This is because we're currently rebuilding the conscription system, which is why the distribution of questionnaires has become the first step.

Pistorius highlighted the importance of the reserve potential for the Bundeswehr, as it's a crucial component of the military forces' personnel needs. This reserve potential is developed through the training of conscripted soldiers or other military personnel. Regrettably, conscription was suspended back in 2011 due to financial reasons, resulting in the destruction of all structures necessary for conscription. Despite this, conscription remains compulsory.

Read also:

  1. Boris Pistorius, the German Defense Minister, advocates for the distribution of conscription questionnaires as a preliminary measure for reestablishing compulsory military service.
  2. Despite the suspension of conscription in 2011 due to financial constraints, Boris Pistorius emphasizes that it remains a compulsory obligation for young males in Germany.
  3. Boris Pistorius visited military troops in northern Germany, where he discussed the role of the reserve potential in the German Armed Forces, which is developed through the training of conscripted soldiers or other military personnel.
  4. The SPD politician, Boris Pistorius, has faced challenges in rebuilding the conscription system, as the location and identification of the 18-year-old young men who would be subject to compulsory military service have yet to be determined.


