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Pistorius examines Swedish conscription model due to lack of personnel

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) is examining measures to combat the ongoing personnel shortage in the Bundeswehr - including compulsory service models. In an interview with "Welt am Sonntag", the minister referred to the Swedish model: "There, all young men and women are conscripted and...


Pistorius examines Swedish conscription model due to lack of personnel

"I am examining all options," Pistorius continued. In the end, of course, every model "also needs political majorities". In retrospect, the abolition of compulsory military service in Germany was a mistake, said Pistorius: "Simply reintroducing it now is structurally, constitutionally and politically difficult."

According to Pistorius, he wants to implement a package of measures to cover the Bundeswehr 's personnel requirements at the beginning of 2024. "It involves 65 very specific proposals for recruitment, recruitment, training and entry requirements," he said. "We will start implementing them at the beginning of the year."

Pistorius' ideas on compulsory service were met with rejection from his coalition partner, the FDP. "In order to increase personnel resources, we need modern personnel management and not a conscription debate," said the chairwoman of the defense committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP), to the "Rheinische Post". The Bundeswehr is "miles away" from modern personnel management. For example, applications are either not answered or answered too slowly.

CDU Secretary General Carsten Linnemann does not believe that general compulsory military service based on the Swedish model is necessary. A "compulsory year of service", as demanded by the CDU, would also give the Bundeswehr "a boost in attractiveness", Linnemann told the Funke newspapers on Monday. This is because the social year could also be completed in the Bundeswehr. "That would be an important building block both for the future of the Bundeswehr and for social cohesion."

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